6-week group journey


What does power feel like in your body?

We have been taught to see power as a possession of control, dominance, or authority over others, but this is not the definitoin of power. This is colonization.

Embodied power is a felt sense. She’s that inextinguishable flame burning inside of you. She is life force energy coursing through your veins. She’s a wellspring of erotic energy overflowing from rooted pleasure and deep self love, yearning to be felt and shared.

They fear pleasure because she is the infinite fuel that exists within your body - a powerful force that no one can take away.

It’s time to reclaim her.

Pleasure is the lubricant we need to open our hearts and feel it all.

We are given so few tools to be with our emotions. It feels much easier to love on joy than on grief or anger. But as we bring pleasure to our darkest emotions, we begin to open our hearts more fully and feel these energies as shades of love in our bodies - the light and the dark, the beauty and the pain. This is where we feel most alive, through our deepest connections to ourselves and humanity.

If you want to source your greatest power by opening to love and pleasure, this offering is for you.

Pleasure as Power is a 6-week journey to ignite your inner fire, learning how to source energy from the life-giving power inside your body.

We’ll do this through guided meditation, movement, and music in the safety of sacred sisterhood.

Our Journey

week 1

The Art of Self-Seduction

Cultivating a practice of falling in love with ourselves. Using breath, movement, and sound to slow it all down, bringing pleasure and safety into your body, and listening deeply to give your body the love she truly desires.

week 2

Stoking your inner Fire

Tapping into the life force energy pulsing inside of you, you will start to connect with a primal heat that is waiting to be felt and expressed. What needs to burn down? What needs to light up? Listen and feel.

week 3

Melting Your Heart

As we move ever so slowly with breath as our guide, you will practice holding yourself with embodied love as you allow your heart to thaw and melt, finding beauty even in the darkest places.

week 4

Expanding to Feel

Rooting into your greatest power means building your capacity to feel. We can expand to hold more, and we must. With pleasure as our guide, we will practice what it means to alchemize emotions, transmuting helplessness into aligned action.

week 5

Feeding your Desires

When you attune to what desire feels like in your body, the pathway to your soul opens up. Who you are here to be and what you are here to do emerge with clarity and conviction. Desire thrives in the erotic. First we listen, then we move.

week 6

Pleasure with Purpose

When embodied love is the energy coursing through our bodies, we demand the world to reflect that back. How can pleasure help light the path to your greatest calling? How can pleasure be our guiding light to reorder the world? This is where we anchor into our collective power and birth the world we deserve and desire.



Jan - Feb 2024
(6 weeks)





it is in darkness that our fires burn most brightly

This burning world needs us now more than ever, to feel, with open hearts what is broken and birth a new future together. This is how we love ourselves home.